SculptCAD | Nancy Hairston | Contributors | Advisory Board | Press Release

Welcome to the SculptCAD RAPID ARTISTS Project

In November 2009, SculptCAD, a front runner in blending sculpture and CAD for manufacturing and reverse engineering, invited artists to deviate from the utilitarian use of this technology and make art.

"Wouldn't it be interesting to see what these artists would come up with, if they had access to 3D tools." mused Nancy Hairston, Founder of SculptCAD. An idea was born: SculptCAD Rapid Artists Project. The experience has been transformative, expanding the creative process and arousing a shift in thinking about how art comes to take it's place in the physical realm. A very, very contemporary approach to art. Why "Rapid"? Rapid Prototype Printing, 3D Scanning and Digital Sculpture. New approaches to art making and art output. High speed. On Demand. It allows the impossible to be possible. The SculptCAD Rapid Artists will show the possibilities they discover.

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers partnered has with SculptCAD on the project from it's inception, through it's network of participating manufacturers of 3D printers and 3D printing service bureaus, SME has provided an exhibition space each year. Exploring the boundaries between sculpture and digital media, what separates the hand of the artist from the automated program and how the artists learn to manipulate this new visual language, and use it to create sculptures that represent their personal creative outlook.

SculptCAD | 501 Second Ave. Suite A1000 | Dallas, TX 75226 | 214.324.0030 | Contact | Facebook | Twitter


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